Videos I’ve Been Watching On Booktube, You Need To Watch Them Too!

Hello readers!

It’s Alice here and for today’s post, I’m going to be sharing what YouTube channels I’ve currently been watching! No, I don’t watch videos during my Uni classes but have been adding a ton more books to my wishlist. Super dangerous indeed… On the other hand, I love supporting some bookie friends, as well as discover some new booktubers to watch. Here is just a selection of videos that I definitely say to add to your watchlist!

1, Brandon Sanderson: Reading Guide

For someone who has never picked up a Brandon Sanderson book (ever!), this was such an fun video to watch. Bec explains all of the series and worlds extremely well. She is also close to 400 subscribers on her channel, so friends, you know what to do 😉

2, The Best Owlcrate Ever?

April’s video about trying first chapters from a selection of unsure reads really helped me to have a clear-out on one of my overflowing shelves. IT WAS BLISS ❤ But seeing this unboxing for an Owlcrate box was really exciting and now, I really need to read the books featured because they look so good!

3, September Wrap Up!

I seriously need to start tabbing my favourite books… like, why have I gone this long without breaking out the post-it notes and quoting passages I love? I subscribed to TJ’s channel recently and really enjoy watching his videos! (Also, I started Uni recently too, so I can relate to that!)

4, All My Unread Books: Giant TBR

Oh my, I have a huge TBR like Kate at the moment and I honestly don’t know where to start! But all I can say is I love the different genres mentioned and just the colourful shelves in the backdrop above. It’s so pretty!

5, Update On My 2018 TBR!

I love Jessica’s videos and Instagram, her bookish shelves are just so beautiful and I may order some as a Christmas treat come December time! But I love the idea behind the TBR check-in, I was thinking about doing this as a blog-post series but since I read a lot in a short amount of time, writing twenty book reviews for one post would turn into an essay! A fun watch, love looking into other booktubers’ TBRs!

That concludes this blog post. If you watching Booktube, list some channels that you enjoy watching down in the comments section below! Have an awesome day!

Alice x

A Life Update and Why Nanowrimo Is Over For Me

Hello readers!

I owe you all such a long, apology for my absence here on this blog. November has been such a rough month for me healthwise, both mentally and physically. On the first week of this month, I went down with quite a serious health scare that resulted in a lot of panic and upset about what was going to happen to me. The good news is that I didn’t end up in hospital. But over two weeks ago was when I last wrote anything I had planned to write for this year’s Nanowrimo.

After a lot of thinking, I simply decided that there was no way of me catching up on nearly two weeks worth of writing after not being able to physically open up my laptop and stare at my screen. So, my attempts for this year have ended and will not be continuing on with the challenge. To say that I’m heartbroken might be classed as an exaggeration, however, writing means such a great deal to me and a true life saver in very tough periods of my life. I’m currently working with my University to see whether I can get some extra support in finishing pieces due in for the end of this term.

That being said, I’ve been feeling very rough mentally. I don’t often show it here but since the health scare, I’ve really been struggling to find the energy to do lots of things: Shopping, travelling to classes, even sleeping. One day, I would be flat out doing nothing and falling asleep around 7pm. The next day, up until 11pm unable to shut my eyes and dream. As of right now, I still want to make my reading challenge goal target of 300 books read a reality. For this, I need some really good reading days. Hopefully, they come thick and fast!

Hope everyone is well and once again, so sorry that I haven’t been active here. I’m thinking about doing blogmas, if anyone would be interested in reading some new bookish content from me. If you have any requests for posts, do let me know in the comments section!

PLUS! I now have an account on Pinterest! It would mean a lot to me if you could follow me there: 

I am trying out the new WordPress editor and… my thoughts are mixed. We will just have to wait and see how it goes. Must remind myself to back up my blog posts!

See you all soon.

Alice x